Andrology is a field of medicine that focuses on the male reproductive organs, the treatment of their diseases, and prevention. Unlike uro-oncological problems, andrological problems and dysfunctions usually do not pose a life-threatening condition to a patient, but in the case of neglect of proper care, they can significantly complicate his life.

Shame and embarrassment that something in the “male area” is not working as it is supposed to are totally natural; do not allow them to stop you from seeing a doctor. At our clinic, we are well aware of how delicate this area of life is, meaning that we treat each patient with respect and discretion. Whatever you share with your doctor in the consulting room, stays just between you and the doctor.

An andrological examination consists of an interview with the doctor, who records your medical history, discusses your problems with you, performs physical examinations, and decides on any laboratory or ultrasound examinations you may need. Filling out a specialized questionnaire is also part of the examination in the case of some dysfunctions.

Schedule your andrological appointment today!

Call us at +420 733 640 218 or use our contact form.

Vážení klienti, chtěli bychom vás upozornit, že dne 16. 10. bude ordinace lékaře uzavřena. Na odběry se můžete dostavit od 8:00 do 14:00. Recepce vám bude k dispozici od 8:00 do 15:00. Ve dnech 17. a 18. 10. bude klinika uzavřena z důvodu kongresu lékařů.