Urologic oncology is a field of medicine that deals with tumours of the organs of the excretory system. The most common disease in this area is prostate cancer, which is the third most common tumour in men and one of the major medical problems in the male population.

While prostate cancer is usually found in older men, men aged between 20 and 40 are most at risk of testicular tumours, which represent the most common oncological disease in this age group.

Bladder tumours account for approx. 7% of all cancer types in men and 3% of cancer types in women. Renal tumours account for 1 – 3% of all oncological diseases.

If we find an oncological problem during your examination at our clinic, we will provide treatment for you using the latest, most advanced and currently most effective methods and procedures. During the entire treatment, we treat patients as our partners, share all relevant information with them, and work together in trying to seek a cure.

The most important part of cancer treatment in the urological area is its prevention through frequent medical check-ups to enable early detection of cancer cells and successful treatment.

Schedule your preventive examination today!

Call us at +420 733 640 218 or use our contact form.

Vážení klienti, chtěli bychom vás upozornit, že dne 16. 10. bude ordinace lékaře uzavřena. Na odběry se můžete dostavit od 8:00 do 14:00. Recepce vám bude k dispozici od 8:00 do 15:00. Ve dnech 17. a 18. 10. bude klinika uzavřena z důvodu kongresu lékařů.