In addition to normal examinations, we carry out some specialized examinations and outpatient surgeries at our clinic, using the latest procedures and technology. When carrying out these procedures we adhere to our principles and strive for the greatest comfort of our patients to ensure their quick recovery.

Modern methods allow us to treat patients without unnecessary pain and complications. The vast majority of procedures in urological and andrological practice actually take much less time and are less unpleasant than what is commonly said about them.

We only proceed to surgical procedures in cases where a previous examination confirms a diagnosis requiring surgical intervention. The exception is usually vasectomy, which is mostly requested by patients who want to use it as a form of contraceptive.

If you have any urological or andrological problems, do not put off visiting your doctor, and do not neglect prevention.

Schedule your appointment at our clinic today!

Call us at +420 733 640 218 or use our contact form.

Vážení klienti, chtěli bychom vás upozornit, že dne 16. 10. bude ordinace lékaře uzavřena. Na odběry se můžete dostavit od 8:00 do 14:00. Recepce vám bude k dispozici od 8:00 do 15:00. Ve dnech 17. a 18. 10. bude klinika uzavřena z důvodu kongresu lékařů.